Several months ago I engraved a flask with a logo. The first flask was a standard engrave with the logo burning on the flask and nothing else. The second one I used the inverting and came up with a flask that removed the black from the entire burn area. Now I cannot duplicate this. The first run was done with an older version… I’m wondering if this is an issue with the newer version; When I invert now, the image logo is the only thing that burns inverted and the background area remains black. Any thoughts or help appreciated
As stated in the particulars for requesting help:
Please provide clear information and pictures about your issue, and what kind of machine/ controller/ firmware you have in order to help."
Can you provide info on the machine you’re using?
Also, is this a vectorized file or just a raw image?
I see a fair amount of material remaining in the first image.
Assume this is on your Ortur laser.
To really assist, it’s very helpful to have the artwork, so if you can drop the .lbrn2 file on the reply window and let take a look at it… It’s probably in there somewhere…
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