Problem with latest update on Windows 11

Hi everyone. I installed the latest update for lightburn (1.5.02) and all my designs are messed up. My design looks good on the screen but it is different on the preview and different in cutting. I attached photos to explain better my problem

problem with update 2

Would you be able to share your LBRN file so we can try to replicate our side?

Take a look a kerf settings and make sure you haven’t inadvertently enabled it.

interesting thought
What was your thinking process here regarding kerf just so i understand please?
Too wide kerf so the shapes get expanded massivly?

Basically, yes. If you notice the design in workspace, the shapes are much narrower as compared to the preview. The preview looks like what would occur if you did a large offset from the original shape. A large kerf would create the same effect.

Gotcha! Thanks!!

The kerf setting is 0.085mm
I tried the same file on my Mac and everything works perfect, the preview and the cut. Only on PC that happens

The kerf setting is 0.085mm. This only happened after the new update. I cut the same files before with the same settings and they were perfect. Also I tried the same file on Mac and they work fine.

crazy but. any chance PC is set to inch/mm (and therefore kerf is in inch)
Where mac is in mm/min?

I will have to check but I don’t think so. Thank you

Please upload the .lbrn file for review if it doesn’t end up being a units thing. That’s a very common issue, however.

I went to confirm in cas i was wrong
is possible that kerf is set to inch so

If by mistake you SET kerf in inch 0.085 is 2.159mm of kerf

Could explain it
Easy check too i guess

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You were right it was setup to inches. I’m just not sure how it changed on its own. Thank you very much

Glad is fixed :slight_smile:
Happens though. at times mouse clicks go faster than speed of the brain

MArk solution as it might help others please :slight_smile:


And now thanks to your help, my designs are back to normal in the preview. I was going crazy.

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