Problem with Pause/Resume functions in the Laser tab - XTool S1

I clicked pause while running a file but was unable to Resume from the Pause button (the button label still said Pause). I clicked the Start button and the laser starts again from beginning of the file, but without the laser firing. I clicked the Pause button again and this time, the button label changed to Resume. When I clicked Resume, the laser starts again, but this time it fires normally. I’m guessing that this is another S1 firmware issue?

Possibly but not quite sure.

Are you saying that you got different behavior the two times you tried pushing pause? Once LightBurn continued to show Pause but the job was stopped, pushing Start restarted the entire job. Then you tried again and this time got resume to show. After pushing resume the job continued as expected.

Is this right? If so that’s a bit odd. How reproducible is this? What happens if you hit pause a third time? Or fourth?

Pause and resume are certainly dependent on hardware function and not all controllers properly support it.

The only thing odd is the inconsistency of the behavior.

Can you push “Show all” in Console. What does it show when you attempt to Pause and Resume?

Yes, that’s correct. I didn’t try it again because I wanted to finish running the file, but I’ll try to play with it some more tomorrow.

I just tried again, but this time Resume was available every time I paused. I tried this with both mm and inches set to make sure that wasn’t what caused it last night. This seems to be a one-off issue that is now working fine.

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