Problem with (previously fine) rotary setup

Hi, I set up a (chuck) rotary att’mt a few months ago on R&W 100w / Ruida. Initial setup was straightforward and the machine settings appeared to be saved - ie the steps/rev (5000) carried over to each new file when att’mt plugged in and Rotary Enabled in Lightburn. Today after a few weeks away I noticed that the Rotary Setup dialog showed steps at 360. Manually resetting to 5000 now produces a massively radially compressed image, while framing to approx the right image dimensions has the att’t spinning like a top and actually burning it produces a very poor image, ie each burn line visibly distinct. Running the same file ‘flat’ - rotary disabled and physically unplugged - seems to produce a normal scan. I’m baffled as to what’s happened or what parameter might have changed. Any ideas very welcome.

Make sure the machine is connected before you edit rotary settings - they aren’t saved to a file, but in the controller itself. You also need to enter the correct object diameter for the chuck rotary to work. Have you changed anything else, like machine settings?

Hi & thanks, nothing changed that I know or my gf/boss/slavedriver will admit to. Just done a manual 360deg measured line frame and it seems to come out at 14600 st/rev, just baffling, I’ll cut it and try a real file if that works.

Well it works with this setting, I remain baffled at what’s changed, do Ruida controllers get dementia?

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