Since installing version 1.1.04 I’m having a cutting sequence problem in that Lightburn is not cutting all my inner cuts. It starts to cut the inner cuts then suddenly starts cutting the outer cuts. Then it goes back and starts cutting the inner cuts. I’ve taken screen shots showing the problem. I ran the job trough the “Preview Icon” in lightburn and its showing the same problem. This problem did not exist in the previous version of Lightburn.
Can you confirm if you have “Optimize Cut Path” enable in Laser window? Also, is “Cut inner shapes first” enabled in Optimization Settings in Laser window? If not for both of these I suggest you enable these and test results.
I am having the same issue with 1.1.04.
Sometimes it will cut inner shapes first sometimes it won’t… but more commonly it cuts outside first with no clear way to fix.
I cam simulate one time and its correct, I close the sim box, reopen and its back to outside first. With no changes being made.
If you’re willing to share the lbrn file i’ll try to reproduce the problem locally.
If I can see and describe it i can move it to the testing group.
Thanks for the response. The problem was with the Optimization Settings it was disabled. Once enabled the problem was fixed. It appears that the install for 1.1.04 set the Optimization to disabled by default.
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