Problem with x Axis cutting power

i have a problem with cutting plywood in x axis
I have read a lot about this problem but I have not found a solution
my machine (longer ray5 20w) didin t cut in x axis
I checked the cables and connection but found no problem
I turned the plywood 90 degrees but it didn’t help
I checked the laser spot but it didn’t help me either

I’m asking for help because it prevents me from making more complicated projects because I have to cut everything with a wallpaper cutter and waste a lot of material.

Is your laser lens clean?
Type $$ in Lightburn console window and copy/paste here all the result.
Also poste a screeenshot of your edit > device settings

I don’t see the issue in the second photo… What’s the difference?


this is the same piece of wood, I just put it in the wrong order, in the first photo you can see that the laser burns 50% more in the y axis than in the x axis

So whats the difference between the two photos?


the first photo shows the plywood upside down, which shows that the laser is not firing the x axis correctly, and the second photo shows the same board from above
the difference is that about half of it was not burned properly

Makes sense now… didn’t realize it was flipped over…

I don’t know what would cause this, considering how these work. I don’t know of any commonality between the X and Y axes and the laser power.

You could measure the pwm to ensure it’s not changing when transversing the X axes. This would show the controller or the module being the issue…

Only other thing I can think of is checking the maximum axes speeds within the controller… doubts about this, but if the Y speed maximum is set slower it could limit the Y axes speed… that would give this impression.






Target buffer size found

[MSG:Using machine:MKS DLC32]

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my device settings (if u need i can change language)

ok .I have a potential problem maker
my laser point looks like this

somebody can teach me how to calibrate mirrors?

my laser point is not a square but a rectangle
and I read about it, but it is very out of calibration, which is 99% likely to be the cause of my problems

I hope you’re wearing laser goggles during those tests.
The focus of this laser is fixed and “not adjustable” by the end user.
Wouldn’t it still be under warranty?
Also how are focusing the laser?

the laser is under warranty
I set the focus using the factory foot at the laser head

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