Problem with Zero Y axis but its homed

Hello from Germany,

i have a Problem with my Y axis.
When i home my machne it shoud be X:0.00 and Y:0.00 but its X:0.00 and Y:440.00.
Also when i will move manualy it hard limit triggered (the axis are inverted).

Please help me :slight_smile:

Can anybody help?

If you add your grbl settings ($$) to the post it would help.

It is possibly $23 - homing cycle direction.

This is a useful guide for GRBL

Check also your origin in device settings


Hello Alan,
when i push the home button it homes correctly.

My settings:

However i turn the origin in device settings, its not ok. When i start a engraving it pops “Cut might be out of bounds”.


Homing correctly is a good start.

This may help with the ‘out of bounds’ issue

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