Salve a tutti, 2 mesi fa ho acquistato il modulo laser della creality da 5w per provarlo sulla mia stampante ender 3. Negli ultimi tempi ho pensato di costruire una struttura più grande circa 900x500mm per la sfruttare meglio il laser. Ho utilizzato gli stessi componenti elettronici aggiungendo solo un motore nema per l’asse y. Dopo aver montato il tutto e verificato che tutti i movimenti erano corretti ho montato il laser e sono iniziati i problemi. Appena accendo la scheda di controllo il laser parte alla massima potenza bruciano il piano sottostante.
Ho provato varie cose tra cui verificare che $32 fosse su 1 ($30 è impostato a 1000) e che tutti i cablaggi fossero corretti. ma non trovo soluzione al fatto che il laser sia sempre acceso anche quando sposto il laser in qualche punto del piano di lavoro. Ho provato anche a rimontare tutto sulla mia ender 3 visto che prima funzionava bene ma da comunque lo stesso problema.
yes, I selected grbl as the control, but the laser turns on by itself even if I don’t connect the control board to the PC via USB. It stays on for about 10-15 seconds until it goes into standby and the fans also turn off. Before making the change to the work surface, when the machine was started the laser was activated, turning on the fans but not the laser and then after a while it went into standby. now every time I start the control board I hear 3 beeps and the laser turns on by itself at maximum power, it also turns on when I try to move the laser via lightburn to a different position from the initial one.
The cable that goes from the control board to the laser has never even been disassembled, only disconnected from the laser head. I really have no idea what could have caused this problem. Before reconnecting the laser head I only carried out some axis direction tests; I didn’t do anything else
a few days ago I changed the SSD on my PC and went from Windows 10 to 11 and reinstalled Lightburn to the latest version. I defined a new machine as I had done before but I don’t think that’s the problem. If I give the command $I lightburn returns me ‘ok’, but when I connect the machine to the PC the following messages appear:
spindle_pwm_off_value:0.000000 spindle_pwm_min_value:0.000000 spindle_pwm_max_value:1023.000000
Grbl 1.3a [‘$’ for help]
Grbl 1.3a I think is the control software version.
I think the control board has some problems, given that it worked on the Ender 3 until 2 weeks ago. The new system is composed of 2 y motors instead of 1, connected via the double connection cable that I used for the z axes on my ender 3 since the board does not have two outputs for the y motors. But I don’t think this will cause any problems with the laser control either. I don’t have a voltmeter to check what voltage is applied to the laser when I turn on the machine. but it is clear that the board no longer controls the laser correctly. the laser has a 3 pin connection but I only disconnected it from the head, on the board I only replaced the y axis cable. During the tests I only noticed that I had to reverse the home direction of both x and y, and then the movement worked correctly. Then I reassembled the laser and the problems started.
I would like to rule out any software problems before buying another laser
I tried several times to send the command $32=1 and $30=1000, but it had no effect. Even trying to put other values for $30 like 255 or trying to put $32=0 didn’t get any changes. The laser always turns on as soon as I turn on the machine. I don’t have a multimeter to test, but it’s clear that the laser is getting power when it shouldn’t, but I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a software issue before getting another laser. Is it possible that the motherboard starts giving problems so suddenly?