Probleme de passes et de laser (Passing and laser problem)

Bonjour à tous, un petit soucis que je n’arrive pas à résoudre, pouvez vous me dire pourquoi je demande 5 passes et qu’il m’en fait 3 ou 5 avec le laser puis des autres laser éteint. merci

Hello everyone, a small problem that I can’t solve, can you tell me why I ask for 5 passes and that it gives me 3 or 5 with the laser then the other lasers off. thank you

we need a screenshot of the issue, or better the .lbrn file to better check what you mean.

sur un forum on m’a conseiller de désactiver le laser constant et cela fonctionne merci. pour le fichier impossible de uploader la vidéo directement.

on a forum I was advised to deactivate the constant laser and it works thank you. for the file impossible to upload the video directly.

for the video you can upload it on youtube and post here the link.
Btw imho is a nonsense that deactivating constant power mode works as expected. but i make only a guess cause you have posted neither and image nor the .lbrn file itself to let us check for this issue

I agree. The remedy doesn’t seem to match the symptom.

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voici le lien de la video

here is the link of the video

i saw the video, can you post the .lbrn file? i want try to reproduce your issue

et le fichier

and the file

coupe.lbrn (237.5 KB)

i see in your file 3 passes, but you told about 5 passes, have i to increase to 5?

ok i found your issue, you have a double line one over another as you can see in the video

my laser has done all 6 passes, 3 each line, but i don’t know why your laser is on for only 1 of those doubled lines


Merci je regarde au plus vite sur le fichier, oui j’ai baissé à 3 pour éviter les passes dans le vide mais pourquoi le laser fait des passe à vide, pour le doublement pourrait s’expliquer par un duplicata par inadvertance je pense, merci pour l’info je vais être plus vigilant sur mes prochains projets, bonne soirée

Thank you I look at the file as soon as possible, yes I lowered it to 3 to avoid empty passes but why the laser makes empty passes, for the doubling could be explained by an inadvertent duplicate I think, thank you for the info I will be more vigilant on my next projects, good evening

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merci beaucoup de votre réponse
bien à vous

thank you very much for your answer
good for you

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pas de quoi :wink:

no problem :wink:

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