Problems with Layers Filling In

I purchased some Christmas ornament SVGs and I getting them setup up for my laser. I have one where I Lightburn is filling in a section that should be line only (the sections between the legs of the deer). They are ungrouped etc. I am sorry if this is a super simple question. I tried searching the forums, but I am not even sure how to describe the issue. Thank you for your help

Zoom in on the problem areas. There is probably a gap or they are not closed.

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Your problem is the way you have your layers colored for the area you don’t want engraved. The Red layer will basically go until it hits another red line where it will stop filling. Your area that you don’t want filled is Blue, so it doesn’t stop the red layer from filling it in. Change the areas that you don’t want filled to Red, and it will cause the red layer to stop there and not fill. For example, below. The top image is both set to Line. The bottom image I have set Red to Fill.



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