Problems with Lightburn and AtomStack X& Pro

I’d suggest keeping the Atomstack issues separate from the Neje issues. Pleae open a separate Topic for the Neje.

As for the Atomstack, I can see that you have not changed the “Start from” mode in Laser window to Absolute Coords. Did you try setting to Absolute Coords earlier when testing?

If not, please change and retest.

If that doesn’t work can you run the commands that I listed for the Atomstack (rather than the Neje)?

Absolutely… This is why I did not go into full details about this laser, just stating that Lightburn was doing strange things with this machine also.

Were you able to test with Absolute Coords? Wasn’t clear if you were answering that portion of my post.

I had it on absolute coords but it made no difference. I only changed it back to user position but it then goes to the home position. Unfortunately I am struggling with understanding why it is not accepting the origin and finishing positions. I am wondering if by starting my computer from scratch, reformatting the hard drive and reloading everything will fix the issues I am having with lightburn. Saying this is only consideration that there may be a problem with my computer even though I did not have this problem before. I have been using the AtomStack laser and Lightburn for about 12 months but not very often, maybe worked it for 100 hours all up.
I can do another video if this helps with diagnosing the problem

Very unlikely. But would need to gather evidence first before deciding.

What does this mean? And when does it do this?

Please run these commands in Console. What happens?

G0 X390Y390

This may be useful. Please do it using Absolute Coords. Then also show how you’re seeting up the user origin process.

Here is the current log after starting the laser. I put the origin at absolute coords, framed the image then moved it to another position. Framed again then went to home position. I then jogged the laser to the centre of the frame (x 200,y 200) and set user origin. It framed correctly but when I move the image to another position it still frames in the original position.
Also after using absolute coords and framing the image is just moves to the bottom left corner of the image, not back to the origin.

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Starting stream

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Starting stream

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[MSG:Program End]

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Starting stream

[MSG:Program End]

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Starting stream

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Starting stream

Stream completed in 0:10

I’ve reviewed the footage. From what I can see everything is working as expected.

I think the most fundamental issue is a misunderstanding of how user origin works. User origin is essentially a user defined origin position which reestablishes the starting point for the shapes being burned. Since you defined user origin at 200,200, all jobs will be run relative to that origin position. The green square in workspace then represents the relative position from which the user origin is interpreted. For example, the green square in the center of the square means that the job will be aligned where 200,200 is the center of the green square. Once you go with user origin, the absolute position on workspace is no longer relevant, only relative positions of the various shapes matter at that point.

I suggest you review the documentation and a video on the various start from modes:
Coordinates & Origin - LightBurn Software Documentation

Understanding The Different Start From Modes In LightBurn - YouTube

Thanks for your assistance with my problems. After resetting the offsets that I was not aware. After studying the documentation you of on Coords and Origin it seems that I will have to use absolute Origin to achieve what I am expecting from the program.
I really appreciate the time and assistance from you.
John Oliver

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