Problems with LigthBurn Software


I have LightBurn on two computers, on one of the laptops, I completely removed LightBurn software (deleted) because I bought a new laptop. Now I want to download LightBurn software on a new laptop, but the system reports an error that I cannot activate the LightBurn license key on the new laptop.

I’m asking for help what is wrong.

Thank you and best regards,


Hey Tomaz,

Check in top. Goto licence portal… reset password and login.
Then you can see on what devices the software is registered to.
Disable the old one and you are good to go.

You need to release the previously used seat. We call that License Deactivation. You can do this several ways. We can help you with this. :slight_smile:

First, if you still have access to the older computer, this is how you can deactivate the key on that system.

If you do not have access but purchased directly from us, you can visit our License Management Portal, as @sensor identifies, to deactivate and manage seat allocation directly as well.

If you experience any issues, pop an email to support at lightburnsoftware dot com, link to this post, and we can help you sort there.

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