Problems with my Ruida controller after trying my new rotary


The screenshots show the controller expects to take 6.13 µm per step for both axes, so the steppers should be set for (40 mm/rev) / (6.13 um/step) = 6525 step/rev.

To verify that, find the stepper drivers inside the electronics bay, which should look like this:

The side of the driver case has a table with steps per revolution and the corresponding switch settings:

Look down the first column to find 6525, then note the switch positions. My drivers do not have that number, but yours should; if not, there’s a problem.

The switches are in a block along the edge:

In this case, switches SW5 through SW8 are OFF OFF ON OFF, which corresponds to the table entry giving 5000 steps/rev.

Stand on your head, peer inside, and see what you come up with.

Protip: Taking pictures as you go definitely helps!

I must piece your screenshots together and pore over them, which will take some time. Today was my long-delayed eye exam: my pupils are vast dark pools and the screeen is really bright.

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