Problems with origin of workspace

Hi, my name is Juan.

im running Lightburn, latest firmware on a x32blackbox open build controller, using win11

Im having two issues:

  1. the machine homes correctly but when trying set a user orign… it just doesnt work. The unit goes to a place she wants

  2. the power in my laser unit is running from 35% upwards… i cant shor a beam to see where it is (at 1% or something like thar). It just doesent start,

My laser is aenbusml 80w

DTR signal checked and baud speed at 115200 and Smax 1000, chequed at $30

Pleeeeease need some asistance ASAP!!!

To start please see:

To frame with the laser please see:

Here’s a screenshot of the device settings for GRBL for reference.


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