Product Library Adjustment Wishlist

I love the library function, but there are a couple of really frustrating things that always cause me grief.

  1. When you select something from the library and drag it over to your workspace, the item is selected in the workspace…but its still actually selected in the library. Quite often I will pull a library item over and then decide I don’t want it afterall once I see it in larger view, so I hit the delete key. Well, it does not delete the added item…it wants to delete from the library even though the item is picked from just being added to the workspace.

  2. When you change from one library category file to another it does not reset the view to the top of the file. For instance, if I’m in my icon library which has 200+ items and I scrolled down to #100, then decided to check another library category. It has me at item #100 when I click a new category versus starting at the top.

Is it just me that finds those two things a bit frustrating?

Thank you for these enhancement ideas. If willing, you can place this on our feature Suggestion Site, so others can vote for it and we can gauge the interest level. We use this information to assist us in planning our development efforts. :slight_smile: Posting here, while informative, might get lost in the volume of exchanges. Posting on the feature site ensures it won’t get lost.

Thanks Rick! I was looking for a suggestion area on here and could not find it. I knew there was one somewhere! :slight_smile:

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We have been known to hide things, usually in plain site, making it even harder to see. :slight_smile: Happens to me all the time. All good Eric.

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