Project as circle cutting as oval ? why

The key piece many folks (myself included!) miss: you must wait until the upload finishes before declaring victory and hitting the Reply button.

Honkin’ big files may take a surprisingly long time to transfer and get processed into whatever the forum software prefers. Until the result appears in the preview, the job ain’t done!

test27.lbrn2 (8.2 KB)
testcircles.lbrn2 (11.6 KB)

I dragged and dropped these two files, hopefully you will be able to open and check the contents

That worked. I don’t see a problem in those files but I wouldn’t have expected to since I don’t have any issues generating round parts.

2 things to check:

  1. Are you able to upload the .RD file? Would still like to confirm what that looks like.
  2. When you check your machine settings, did you do a fresh “Read”? I’m wondering if you were viewing a cached view of the data.

test27.txt (1.1 KB)
testcircles.txt (3.0 KB)

I renamed these two above .rd files to .txt, hope this works.
I have read the machine settings, I can see the bar move showing the fresh read, have done that twice. as mentioned before I also reloadse my version of Lightburn and same results.

Worked fine. But no smoking gun there.

Can you try this?

  1. Create a 50x50mm square
  2. Burn the square
  3. Measure the square

What dimensions do you get?

Also, is the shape in controller display panel distorted or square?

If the issue is not in LightBurn, and not in the controller, that really only leaves the stepper driver or something else mechanical. Is it possible any of the stepper driver jumpers were changed?

well I must say that test was interesting, I did the test twice and in my Ruida controller it shows all four corners are square. I did not make any changes to the stepper motors.
The X comes out to 51 MM
the Y dimension comes out to 61.33
this looks like the ovals I am getting

Earlier this month I was having trouble after I tried setting up my new rotary which absolutely screwed up my laser machine settings. This was all reported in a thread in the lightburn forum (not under the software section) If you can find that thread it would be helpful to diagnose the problem. (rotary problem)
After I got the machine settings back in order, the machine was finally homing without issue. I did not use the laser and then this oval or out of dimension occurred.

Just reviewed the other Topic. Looks like 3 major changes:

  1. setting of step size to 6.25
  2. inverting polarity of X axis direction
  3. inverting direction of panel X axis control

Can you confirm that after those changes were made that you were getting dimensionally accurate burns?

Is it possible this has been going on since then but without noticing?

Please check that stepper driver for both X and Y are configured the same way and that you have the same belts and pinions for both X and Y.

Also, can you check to see if Rotary is enabled in Machine Settings? I understand you’ve already confirmed that Rotary is not enabled in LightBurn.

I do believe this problem started a couple weeks ago when we changed the machine settings. This is a used machine I purchased a couple years ago and we found it was not set up as it should have been from the supplier or original owner.

I believe we found the problem since you mentioned the pinions and belts.
the Y pinion is 15.71MM in diameter
the X pinion is 12.45MM in diameter
both belts have 30 teeth in a 60MM length
I also checked the machine settings and both X and Y have the same steps at 6.25UM
I also checked the X and Y drivers the pins are still set both the same, forgot to write it down but is noted in the original troubleshooting thread in the forum.
So this telling me the step setting for the Y would be incorrect ? right ?

Sounds like it.

The diameter of the gear / pinion is harder to figure than simply counting its teeth. Multiplying (teeth / rev) by (mm / tooth) gives you (mm / rev).

Then you divide (mm / rev) by the stepper driver’s (microstep / rev) setting and you have (mm / microstep), which is what you plug into the controller’s parameter. Well, as we discussed, the controller might expect (mm / step) or (µm / step), so you get to do that conversion.

After you figure all that out, write it down and save the configuration so you don’t have to do this again. :grin:

Finally found the time to make step/rotation to my “Y” axis , 25 teeth, not using the formula but trying different settings tuened out to be 7.95 steps for the Y axis and I recalculated the “X” axis to be 6.35 steps.
So lets consider this thread solved. thanks to all who contributed

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