PSU or tube issue

Hi! I have 1006 UX laser from Bodor.

It has 1200 hours and 4 years of use. It was working today, cutting 3mm MDF and everything went fine for 90% of the job. Then I checked and it was moving but not firing.

I cancelled the job, tried pulsing from the Ruida keypad and from the PSU button and nothing. Just the pulse beep and nothing on the tube, no laser ray at all.

-Water sensor and chiller are OK
-Continuity on the black and red cables from the PSU to the tube are OK.
-Tube was working fine as new, no loss of power, no white beam, nothing
-PSU doesn’t have any discernible burnt components, fuses, etc

How can I test if it’s the PSU? don’t want to go into 40kv territory without an idea where to start

If it won’t pulse from the console, you can remove the signal connectors to the lps, leave the mains and use to the test button to fire it directly from the lps.

This separates the controller from the lps/tube pair.

Connector on the right is the signal you can remove and test the lps/tube only.

Usually when a tube fails, the lps voltage will go very high causing an arc somewhere on the anode side.

Since you are not getting any arcing, I’d suspect the lps, not the tube.

Good luck


I found the culprit, it was one of the flyback units, it was partially melted. Ordering a new lps

Check the entire length of the high-voltage wire to the tube anode, because the insulation may have failed, shorted the HV supply to the chassis, and slagged the transformer.

Replacing the power supply includes a new HV wire up to the connector, but make sure there’s nothing wrong beyond that.