I am Intrested in Buying Lightburn For my Scultfun S30 I have noticed if you Buy it from Lightburn its $88 but I was looting on Etsy Australia you can buy it for $21 from seller Nouhilla is this the real Lightburn any why the big difference in Price ?
If it is to good to be true, it ain’t.
Probably pirated and you will find out fast enough, or they are selling you the link to download the trial and pay for it in 30 days.
LIGHTBURN™ - Premium Laser Cutter
GST Included
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Digital download
Digital file type(s): 1 TXT
Translated by Microsoft
See in original language
LIGHTBURN ™ Software - Premium Laser Cutter Software - Windows PC - 64bit
Ya, not a chance!
Yes Mike it looks dodgy…but confusing though,I will do the Trial and purchase the Legit Software when the trial ends
Trust all of us. The software is worth the price.
Yes Thanks Bikemike I see you are a RAFFIE I did 22 Years as a Reservist With 13 SQN Darwin Retired last year Due to CRA
Canadian armed forces. Air-force. Been in aerospace for 40 some years.
Thanks for letting us know.
There are no authorized resellers that offer it for less than the retail price.
Some authorized resellers bundle it with a sale of a laser, at no additional cost to their customers.
Thanks JohnJohn Good to Know
Lightburn SW is a tool and it needs to be maintained. Just like paying for electricity or shop maintenance. At least once a month I go and configure some weird setup that I have a vision of what I want to do and don’t know how I will do it. Sometimes I need to use a feature in Lightburn I have never used and it just works! This is in stark contrast to some of the freeware I use that takes hours to figure out and success is iffy at best. $88 or whatever it is a year, if you want the upgrades, is nothing. I spend more on booze in a month than that. A tank of gas is way more than that. And if you don’t care about upgrades its free after the initial low low payment of what, $60-$90. Seriously? This is incredibly cheap when compared to any other SW packages I use and worth every penny.
Yes Kenneth I agree 100% I am currently on a 30 day Trial version but will purchase when the trial expires
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