Questions to make life 25 times easier,

Hey Legends
I have hundreds of sewing patterns i am transferring to CAD, Is there anyway to weld the notches in my patterns like the pattern on top? (pictured)
I know how to weld the 2 objects together using the belong weld tool if they are just shapes. (Rectangle and notch shape)
but i usually trace around the objects with the pen tool and then add the notch shape later and the weld tool doesnt work. (such a slow option using the node tool to break nodes etc)

Also are there any shortcuts to putting a rectangle exactly on the X/Y plane. as i usually use the measuring table to scale etc.

Cheers Jamon

I’m not sure I fully understand your problem, but as I see it, I will select everything, deselect the big shape, group the little tips and use Boolean Assistant for the last operation.

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This should do the trick:

Click one end of the baseline, then click-n-drag the other end until it’s lined up horizontally, release.

Selecting the Full Screen Line Cursor will make aligning the two ends much easier:

You can also use the Node Editor to snap a line to the X axis, with the rest of the shape following along:

The A (for “align”) command snaps the line to the nearest 45° angle, so the original line must be Pretty Close™ to horizontal for this to do what you want. If the pattern has an almost vertical line, however, you can snap that line to the Y axis with the same command.

Press alt and it should snap in place.
Nothing will work on curved and irregular lines though.

Also you need closed shapes which you don’t seem to have.

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