Quitting before even starting

Had plenty of inspiration at first. But know it seems all I am drawing is a blank page. 61 years old next month and inspiration is gone. I have (NO) desire for this

Don’t give up. Do some simple projects. Christmas ornaments are not too difficult. I also found a scroll saw page that offers PDF downloads. They are easy to import and cut.

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I understand the issue. Occasionally, I experience periods in the doldrums and find it challenging to come up with new ideas. However, since I’m easily amused, I usually discover something to create. Sometimes, I see or hear something that sparks an idea. You’ve probably heard the saying, “Does a bear … in the woods?” That inspired this project with Bigfoot. I often start with the question, “What’s the silliest thing I can make?” and go from there. Did I mention I’m easily amused?


What’s the point of your post? If you don’t want/can’t get into all that laser stuff and don’t feel like learning anything new anymore, then spend your time on something more enjoyable.
Nb., your age is definitely not in the high average here and never an excuse not to start something new. Take an example from @lucci, the lovely laser grandma or others who are 10-20 years older than you and contribute nicely and actively to our community/forum… …and get just as much back.


Yep! Age is not a problem—it’s an advantage. I’m 82, retired, and can spend my whole day playing in my shop or napping.


I hear ya, Gaffboat

Same here, 78 and still having fun.


Same here, except I never learned how to nap.

How 'bout ninety one years young tomorrow!!!
What is that word? (Quit) Never heard of it. lol


Happy Birthday!!! :cake: :tada:

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Thank you! Hard to imagine I made it this far. lol

Congratulations, old boy and good friend … or old friend and good boy … :wink:

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Thank you, Bernd.
Hope you and family are well.

Thank you, everything is healthy and well here, right now. I hope the same goes for you. I just want to be as healthy and in the same good mood as you when I get a little older - but there’s still a long way to go, I’m only 65 after all. :wink:
Have a nice day with your loved ones.

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Happy Birth nice day.

Happy birthday ferg, All the best!

Thank you, I appreciate that.

Thank you and you have a nice day also.

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Inspiration is everywhere, you just have to look for it because it won’t fall into your lap.

I am going to be 61 this year and have been doing laseirng for 5 years and love it. I still have some of my orignal files I created way back in 2020 and at the time I thought “these are the best thing I have ever created”…I laugh at them now because they are very simple. But what doing those projects got me was knowledge and the creativity followed.

In the last 5 years, there were 2 times I walked away from the laser for about 5 months at a time. My excuse was “its’ boring, I can’t think of anything to make”. I went onto ETSY and looked at items…not to buy, but to get inspired from. I have made a lot of items that I was inspired from…not copied. Look on Facebook and join some groups…there are a ton out there. Watch YouTube videos on Lightburn and lasering in general.

If you walk away, don’t let it be because you aren’t inspired.


thks for the insight of your knowledge. I also will be 61 this year, next month actually. I’m a retired antique restorer/business owner and security locksmith 45 yrs experience into both combined. Needed a challenge so I bought this laser