Hi there,
first off, thank you very much everyone, I have learned a ton of stuff on this forum.
I finally managed to setup my RA2 Rotary Tool with the XTool D1 Pro and went through all the issues that are known (z-axis for the pro, instead of y, steps per rotation, object diameter…).
The issue I am having now, is that I cannot get my rotary to start engraving at the position I set the laser to. It always takes the image on screen and considers the 0 to be in the middle of the design. So it rotates half of the distance up, and half down from its starting position.
I made sure to set Start From to “Current Position”, I set Job Origin and even the x/y position coordinates of the object to top left (even though that did not change anything).
I also tried to put my image at 0/0 on the design area (again should not matter when I set Start from to Current Position).
But I cannot convince the Laser to start at the top left position of my image, it always tries go down half the size of the image and start there
Optimization Settings have no effect on the layout or positioning of the object, only about the tool path, so nothing to find in there.
After experimenting a bit with the settings I found out about a piece I missed and also something that I would like to propose as a future upgrade to Lightburn itself
The xTool D1 Pro 40W Module, has a Y Offset between the targeting laser and the actual laser. I did not realize, that even with the option “Rotary” enabled, it still uses that offset before starting the toolpath.
If you only do a “Framing” it does not care about the Offset and frames the area on your round object as you would expect it to.
But as soon as you run the job, it jumps that Offset first, which means it rotates your object, before starting the actual job.
It would absolutely help to ignore or disable any Y-Axis offset your Laser head has, when the actual Y-Axis is disconnected from the Motor and a Rotary Tool attached instead