Radius corner issue

Hi All

Got a bit of an issue with this file, trying to radius both bottom corners but only one radius, I’ve flipped the image and tried again but still no luck.
Would be greatful if you could tell me where I’m going wrong ?
P.S I’m only 2 months in from scratch :slight_smile:

Cat paw print personalised.lbrn (59.4 KB)

Your a diamond Ralph, I think this happened when I drew the bow below the paw and then welded them together, need to learn about “node” editing, now off to play and see if I can fix it :wink:, learning 101 :blush:

Hi Ralph, sorry to be a pain but could you post a screen shot of where you see the issue, I’ve gone into what I think is node editing mode but can’t see what you see ?, Thanks for your help, really appriciate it.

Thank you Ralph, I very much appreciate the time you have taken to help me out.

You can also just hover over the bent line and click “L” to make it a straight line between the nodes. No need to redraw it.

Hi Oz, thanks for the input, is there a list of commands like this that can be made public, I’m sure some of the time consumming things I do have a simple solution like this one but I have no idea, thanks in advance.

Point your mouse at the ‘Edit Nodes’ button and press the F1 (help) key. It’s quite public already. :slight_smile:

And hover over most everything to quickly display ‘Tool Tips’. We continue to add content, filling these out with helpful information. :slight_smile:


:joy: :joy: Not in my house it’s not…

Thanks Oz

OMG…My artwork skill level (not great to start with) has just taken a massive leap forward, this has just solved two problems I was affraid to ask :wink:

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