Rámeček motivu - (Theme Frame -)

Při zadání pokynu aby stroj ukázal hranici motivu, se po pohybu cca 5 cm “kousne” a někdy k tomu spustí laser, takže na místě vypaluje. Musí se úplně vypnout od napájení i počítače. Dělá to pouze u větších motivů okolo 10x10 cm a více.

When you enter an instruction for the machine to show the border of the motif, it “bites” after moving about 5 cm, and sometimes it starts the laser, so it fires on the spot. It must be completely turned off from the power supply and the computer. It only does this for larger motifs around 10x10 cm and more.

If you are willing, please share a picture. :slight_smile:

I have a sense that I may know what it is.
A picture would be very helpful.

Mám foto těchto instrukcí:

I have a photo of these instructions:

Jsem úplný začáitečník, takže ani nevím zda myslíš tyto obrázky.
Děkuji za Váš čas a zájem.

I’m a total beginner so I don’t even know if you mean these pictures.
Thank you for your time and interest.

Bude to něco ve strojku 3018 - zkouším nyní SW GRBL a dělá to také :frowning:

It will be something in the 3018 movement - I’m trying SW GRBL now and it works too :frowning:

This is fine. We all start osomewhere. Your English is probably much better than my Czech. :slight_smile:

I will help you get going on this project.

We should confirm the distance units are metric (mm):
Please confirm the setting shown by the arrow on the left.

For Beginners, it’s highly advisable to select Absolute Coordinates.
Please adjust the setting shown by the arrow on the right by pressing the button.
Select the matching setting shown in the picture I’ve shared with the arrow on the right hand side.

Now we check Motion.
Open the Move window.
If it’s not visible, it can be found by selecting Window then Move.

For your 3018, please set distance to 10mm and Speed to 500 mm/min.
Test the four compass arrows ^, v , < , > to confirm that the engraver moves correctly. If the motion is wrong we likely move the position of the Origin, shown by the green dot.
2023-03-24_17-30-08 direction arrows + origin + crop

To move the Origin, you set this in the Device Settings
The crossed wrench and screwdriver icon near the bottom:

To use Absolute coordinates you should power up the engraver with the laser engrave head at 0,0. For some lasers the controller can be powered by either the USB cord or the power supply brick. Both power sources should be disconnected to assure that you begin from the correct position.

This is most often Front Left corner of the grid or Workspace.

With the move arrows, move (called jog in English) the engrave head to the 0,0 Origin.

Learning things in a different language is a challenge but this is a handy tool for ransacking instruction manuals. It won’t translate all the images, but a Moblie Phone may have a direct image translation tool.

Here is a link to the google translated documentation.

Please tell us if this worked for you.
Please ask the next question at your convenience.

Takže nakonec to bylo dost jednoduché, ale pro začátečníka na dlouhé hledání. V nastavení zařízení jsem měl přímo zakázané Domovské nastavení, povolil jsem a rámeček je jak má být. Děkuji … anglicky neumím, to vše Google překladač :wink: :+1:

So in the end it was simple enough, but for a beginner on a long search. I had Home settings directly disabled in the device settings, I enabled and the frame is as it should be. Thank you … I don’t know English, all this Google translator :wink: :+1:

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