Random Tab On Projects

Cutting some Christmas Ornaments. I’ve cut four so far. Question, on two of them, it has put a tab on the outside cut. Tab is off (never been turned on).

Ver. 0.9.19
Laser: 7W J Tech on ACRO
Air Assist
Material resting on 24AWG wire

Any suggestions?


Would that point happen to be where the cut starts? If tabs are off, it’s not a tab.

Thanks for reply. It is not at the start / stop point. That point is at the top right of hook around eye.

Do you see a break in the shape in the preview?

No sir. I do not.

Then it’s not a tab (they display in the preview, as does ‘perforation mode’, so it’s not that either).

Did the laser actually turn off when the machine produced those breaks, or no? If not, then it could just be the wood itself. Plywood, if that’s what you’re using, often has weird voids in the interior layers that can be filled with just about anything, not all of it easily laser cut. So if there are burns on the surface and it just didn’t cut all the way through, I’d look for that as a possibility.

I think you “hit the nail on the head”. I’m cutting another one now to see what happens.
Thanks for taken time to reply.

Merry Christmas!

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