Randomly missing lines when uploading file to laser

Evening all,

I’m running Lightburn on a Mac with a USB cable to my Thunder laser. I send the file to the Ruida and run the jobs from the laser, I don’t do send-and-start from Lightburn. Every now and again I notice that on my more complex files, it will not show all the lines on the Ruida display. The circled area here shows where one went AWOL. If I re-send the file, usually it will bring over all the lines. However, if I cut the file without refreshing it, the workpiece will have missing lines.
It’s a bit random, I have noticed various lines go missing on the file pictured here, it’s not always the same lines.

I’m getting into the habit of examining the preview before I run jobs, but is this a known or correctable issue? Thanks.

Is using a network cable an option for you? There is a device driver conflict between the driver used by Ruida and a serial port driver that ships with MacOS that often causes port lockouts. I haven’t seen this issue before, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was related.

We have a FAQ entry on setting up Ethernet with the Ruida: How do I connect a Ruida controller with Ethernet?

Thanks; no the laser is not anywhere close to ethernet. We did try one of those ethernet-to-wifi dongles when we first got the laser but couldn’t get that to work.

You connect a cable to use USB and you can do the same to use Ethernet - directly connect the computer to the laser and configure accordingly. I personally use a thing called a Netgear PowerLine adapter which uses your home power wiring to send network signals through. You connect one end to the network router and the other to the laser, and that works very well too.

Thanks; things to think about for sure :slight_smile:
Can’t do the direct ethernet link though as my computer (most Macs these days, in fact) doesn’t have an ethernet port.

Yes, the $29 it costs to purchase the adapter is certainly a huge hurdle to be overcome, but I have faith in you. :slight_smile:


OK, i am slapping myself upside the head right now after failing to remember that such things exist :wink:
I’ll give it a go… thanks!

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