Hello friends,
So I am having an odd issue that I cannot sort out. It almost seems like my Raycus is pulsing hard to start and then drops and then powers back up. I am trying to get my LPI dialed in, and it looks like there is too much delay at the start and then nothing and then it fades back in.
22% power
40khz (also have tried 50 and 60 to no avail)
1300mm/sec feels incredibly slow and when I have done other tests my galvo has been happy up to almost 4000mm/sec, so this seems well within its range.
I’ve been messing with all the TC values, trying different speeds, trying different frequencies, and it never really seems to get better.
So I am asking for some help.
What exactly am I missing here? The only reason this is an issue for me now is I am trying to do a photo, so I needed to dial things in a bit more.