"ready" status, but will not frame, move, or start a job

Xtool D1Pro 20W on MacBook Air running on Catalina 10.15.7.

Issue: After Initital setup - Macbook detects the laser, it’s in “ready” status. However, it will not frame, move, go to home, or start a job. I do select the object before trying any of these actions.

I’ve rebooted to make sure there is no conflict with the USB connection hanging onto XCS.

When I try to just Start a job I get a message stating “There was a problem sending data to the laser. The machine may be busy or paused.”

This was resolved by downloading and importing this device setting file https://support.xtool.com/hc/article_attachments/4414379634455/xTool_D1.lbdev from here https://support.xtool.com/hc/en-us/articles/4414180400919-Configure-LightBurn-Software-for-xTool-D1?gclid=CjwKCAjw-IWkBhBTEiwA2exyO-GkPEaKk1_b9RGfPDXcoDVTOwrrmMSzjfQVX03OU46SzO7M35tdwRoCU4UQAvD_BwE&fbclid=IwAR0DUYXkxGD-4GkWJHIvk-KrF5pOqbYyUClz5WBKnkPgcw-JKCpXDaSSWNU