Realtime job status?

Hey everyone, I’ve noticed that the job progress indicator seems to show where it is in the list of commands sent to the laser, rather than where you actually are in the job. So when I’m running a job, it will often show that its later in the job than it actually is, and show as complete long before the job is actually done.

Is there any way to improve the accuracy of this?

Go to Edit->Device Settings->Additional Settings.

Push the Read From Controller button. That should take settings from the controller and get you potentially better time estimates. If you find that the estimates are still incorrect you can tweak these values to see if you can get a closer time.

Hey thanks for the reply. I’m referring to the real-time status, not the preview or estimated times. The status of the laser job that is in progress. Ie. the green status bar that shows up when a job is running

I’m not certain but my understanding was that the overall time estimate for the realtime status was based on the estimate. Current place in that is based on progress against the estimate. In that case, improvement in estimate would improve accuracy of relative progress indicator.

Again, I may be completely off on how that works.

I’m not ruling that out, but either way I have already pulled the parameters from the laser to optimize the estimates and it didn’t effect the status accuracy

Actual performance may not match the numbers due to the realities of physics which is generally why the estimates don’t play out. Try changing the values to something obscenely high or low to see how it affects the realtime status times. That will give you a sense of how much you can affect the accuracy.

Instead of Percentage, I would rather that LightBurn would show a count down based on the estimated time (from the preview calculation).

I think it would be much more helpful for users to see something like “Estimated Time Remaining 6:32” that counts down in real time based on the time calculated from the Preview, instead of a percentage that has no relation on any time constant (83% done of what total time?).

I think users will understand that it may be slightly more or less time then what was calculated, but this would at least give us something better to go by. The software knows what the total estimated time is from the Preview, so no reason why it couldn’t start a countdown from that time when you press play, and display that countdown. By saying Estimated Time, that makes it clear that it may not be accurate towards the end of a job. If it gets done early, you just show finished as normal, if it runs late, just start counting back up from 0:00 and change the time color to Red to indicate that the job is running longer than estimated.

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I would like to see a percent of the total job completed AND an estimate of time left in job. If possible, a realtime visualization of the process that can be scrubbed back or forward and then returned to current. I’m an avid 3D printer and the software I use (Simplify3D) has this, which is really helpful for printing but would be even better for laser by knowing things like what pass you’re on, etc.

S3D displays time remaining and percent of current job. I’m not an expert, so forgive my ignorance, but I would think that since S3D and LB are both tethered programs that stream data to a controller, it should be possible for LB to know exactly where it is in the data stream or at least where the controller is in the buffer, to produce an accurate % that hits 100% when the laser stops?

Again, I dont want to come across as ignorant. If I dont understand what I’m talking about, I’m open to hearing about it.



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