Red ring of death on file EXACT same spot?

Trying to cut a set of ornaments on my Monport Onyx 55w and experienced my first red ring of death. No data in the console at all in LB…no console built into laser so flying blind here?

i tried cutting 8 at once and it just stopped dead right around the belt. I read that the lid switches have…issues, so checked that and the other switch (crumb tray front cover) and found a loose bracket that acts as a stop…but nothin that would cause it.

i was able to lift lid and get the light to green up, then slap button ans it would try…but then stutter to a halt…you can see these weird dot lines where it tried then failed to continue.

i then tried cuttin one at a time by itself, and it stoppes dead, red ring of doom, exact same spot as the 8 in a row.

As this is a new file that is based off a previous ornament I had cut many of, with a slight (fatal?) Modification, I tried running it.

The original file cut flawlessly, passing the “dead zone” and finished without issue.

Is it possible the gcode is becoming corrupt somehow??

Here is a side by side comparison of the artwork. The failing one is slightly smaller, with a hanger hole on top, and one on bottom for a custom nametag.

I also found that upon settings, LB is mosifying my LPI to be a very ODD number. I set LPI to 450, and it ovverides upon reload to 424.75. Is it possible my fill LPI is causing an issue? Any insights would be great. Gonna try scaling it up a bit to see if the math of slicing the file hit some sort of physical impossibility for stepping?

I scaled the file up by 1% and it cut without a single problem… what could cause this? Is there a way to check a file for errors before sending it to the machine? Hate to have possibility of a failed job because of a big mystery…

I think your dpi is to high. I believe co2 lasers have a bigger dot size so increasing dpi will just lead to burning and more processing. Good video here.
How To Use A Laser Cutter - Lightblade Learning Lab 32 Russ Formula for Successful Photo Engraving - YouTube

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The manufacturer states up to 600 LPI though? Will check the video out thank you.

You really need to test your laser not just rely on manufacture published data. Also Lightburn has a focus and interval test. Lasering as i’m figuring out is more of an art. Each project has it’s on quirks.

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I just cut down my processing time from 6 mins/ornament to 2m 04s.
Interval I had set was 0.0635mm (400~LPI)
New setting is 0.22mm (115.45 LPI) (almost 4x!)
And it looks better after I add multiline and trade around the fill.

Thank you so much for pointing me to the interval test. I really really appreciate it.

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If you double the interval, you will be making 1/2 the number of passes, so it should be quicker by about 1/2…


Hopefully it fixes your original problem.

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Sped it up by about 2/3 not complaining!