So I’m looking to upgrade my laser to a Red Sail X700 or X900. The seller states that it is compatible with Lightburn but not compatible with Mac operating system. This may be a stupid question but if the laser can be controlled using Lightburn, does that mean that I can use it with my Mac?
Also, anyone with a Redsail I would love to hear feedback.
You have received a strange feedback from RS, I think. If the machine has a Ruida controller then it is this controller that communicates with the computer’s OS. Ligthburn can be used from Windows, Mac and Linux.
Most software for these lasers are supplied with Chinese created Windows based products. Laser control software was, as is usual, developed mainly for Windows platforms.
Lightburn broke away to support the wide range of us that run Linux or Macs. So yes your Mac should work, with Lightburn. It will not run RDWorks the supplied software of most of these machines which is probably what they are talking about. It’s pretty clear they know little of Lightburn from your comments.
Thank you very much for answering. I thought maybe I was out in left field but I believe you’ve convinced me I was on the right path.
I was talking to another supplier and it was a similar response. I think you’re right Jack, I don’t think they know anything about Lightburn. What a shame!!