Reduced laser power after installation

-Ciao a tutti, ho usato la versione di prova e mi sono trovato bene, ho acquistato la licenza,la versione 1.02.04 e purtroppo non capisco come mai il mio laser ha perso potenza, sulla stoffa fa solo una leggera incisione e non la taglia più, il problema è il software perchè con GRBL funziona. Ho disinstallato due volte ma il problema rimane, cosa posso fare?

-Hi everyone, I used the trial version and I was fine, I bought the license, version 1.02.04 and unfortunately I do not understand why my laser has lost power, on the fabric it only makes a slight incision and does not cut it plus, the problem is the software because with GRBL it works. I uninstalled twice but the problem remains, what can I do?

Did you get this sorted? It’s been a few days. If this is working in LaserGRBL then there’s likely only a few possibilities.

  1. Make sure that S Value Max in Device Settings matches the value of $30 in Machine Settings
  2. Make sure you’re working in comparable units. LaserGRBL is typically mm/min. Make sure that LightBurn is configured the same way in Settings. Make sure the cut settings themselves have comparable values.

No, I haven’t solved it, I don’t understand what the problem is, they also helped me from the support

Can you take a screenshots of:

  1. Edit->Device Settings
  2. Full screenshot of LightBurn with a design loaded and cut setting showing

Also, run this in Console and return results:


We did this test, now unfortunately I have to go, tomorrow I leave for a few weeks and I will not have access to the PC and the software. Thanks for your interest

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