How do I make a suggestion to LightBurn to add a feature to the “Apply Path to Text” process?
You can present the idea here, it may already be available. If not, you can then search our Suggestion Site, as to not create duplicate requests, and post there. We track the voting and comments received to help with prioritizing activities.
So, what are you wanting to suggest? We do offer a way to ‘Bend’ text in an arch without using the Path to Text tool, if that is what you are after. Fonts and Text - LightBurn Software Documentation
I would like to be able to remove the line/arch/curve after bending the text without the text returning to a straight line again.
Select the text, then right-click and ‘Convert to Path’. You can then remove the line/arch/curve used, and the text will maintain the new shape, but will no longer be editable as text.
And an alternate to converting to path is to put your line or curve on a different layer and then set that layer to not output and/or not show. That allows your text to still be editable as text and the curve won’t be burned.
And that ^^^ as well. Thanks @Hank! With LightBurn, we try to provide more than a single option for producing what one wants.
this is great! thank you
Thank You. I did this very thing to get around another situation, but I forgot what to do.
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