Renewing my membership license key, its not letting me activate the key

I renewed my membership license key and it keeps telling me that my trial has expired and wont let me open up lightburn

You’ve got two keys, one is good until July and the other one was renewed recently and is good until February 2025.

Launch LightBurn from the icon (not from a project). You should be permitted to click Help, then click License Management.

The license keys that you received by email (to the same email address that you used to sign up on the forum) will contain your License key. We have a digitally signed email address but occasionally some email servers think we’re spam. We’re not, and we don’t clobber folks with ads.

Have a look in your spam folder starting February 12th for a key.

Please let us know if you’re still stuck, and precisely which step things went wrong at. We always try to catch these things and smooth them out when possible.

Thank you for your efforts here. It’s always appreciated.

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