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#removed key code

Is my trial code I can no longer use it how can I get a new one ? I have tried un installing and ee downloading it expired and i didnt get to use it

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Send a note to the support and include the key code there.

Don’t post it publicly.


I tried that amd nothing seems to get through

Are they returned to you undelivered? You will have to go through them to resolve this.


@meeeeeeeeeeee We have received your email and extended your trial.

For the reference:
LightBurn Trial extensions can be performed from within LightBurn with versions 1.5.00 or later. In order to extend your Trial, please update to the latest version.

After opening LightBurn, select the ‘Extend Trial’ button when the License Page appears to perform the Trial extension.


@Aaron.F I’ve spent the last several hours looking at topics in the forums. The one that caught my eye was the EoS for Linux as I’ve only used Linux since the DOS days. I completely understand the need to drop support, though keeping one Linux distro rolling would have been awesome. I can switch between distros, but I’m not going to learn WinDon’t software.

But to the point of my comment, I’m looking at getting the Fox Alien Vasto XXL. That’ll take a few minutes to purchase as I’ll get most of the bells and whistles with it. So I looked up software and LB was the top choice. Price is acceptable and as long as I can get ANY version to run on ANY distro, I’m happy to purchase. If I don’t get the CNC before version 1.8 drops, can I still get a license for v1.7? Second half is I downloaded the software but haven’t activated the free trial. It’s for 30 days and well, I’m getting slower on learning. Okay, I’ve never used CNC software to actually make anything, I just had someone else do the designs for me. How many times can the free trial be renewed? I could care less about it being to export to a CNC since I don’t have a CNC, but it would be nice to learn at my pace (slow) and when I do get the CNC, be more ready to start using it. Cheers!

Sure. There just won’t be a LightBurn version 1.8 for Linux. The version 1.7.xx will continue to work in the future.

Note, LightBurn is for controlling lasercutters, not CNCs. The FoxAlien CNC, like any other CNC can however be equipped with a laser instead of a spindle. Is this what you are looking to do?

If you are looking to use the spindle to mill things, you are looking for a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) program instead. We have such a program in the pipeline, to be released in 2025.

Sweet! Okay, so you got me on the verbage. I do understand I would need a CAM for the CNC side. The one you have coming, I’m assuming won’t be for Linux?

It’s the 30th, I’ll be happy to wait for your ever awesome reply until next year. With that said, thank you Team LightBurn and happy New Year!

I have the foxalien vasto XXL and I really like it. It takes up a big chunk of my living room. I opted for a larger dust collection system(oneida/shopvac) than the little one they have on their website. If your machine keeps dropping the USB connection, try a different adaptor, the same cable that works well with my laser doesn’t always work reliably for my cnc.

Even though I can use this machine for lasering, I don’t, I only use it for milling. For lasering I use a smaller foxalien reizer diode(discontinued) inside of a tent for ventilation.

For the control software, I use MillMage but have also controlled it with Easel by Inventables. We will not be releasing MillMage for Linux.

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Thanks for that information on the CAD software. Since I refuse to allow WinDon’t in my home, shop, property, I’ll start looking for another program to run my future CNC and possibly the Laser side too.It is what it is.

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Ya I also have now two machines because switching back and forth make the hobby almost unbearable.
Interesting you don’t use same machine for both.
Also are the different coordinate systems for Lightburn and CNC set in stone, as in is it possible to make both work in same quadrant?

The home origin/operating quadrant depends on which corner the limit switches physically live in. The firmware for the machine needs to ‘know’ which corner to move towards, how fast, pull off of, etc, then the settings in LightBurn/MillMage need to match the firmware settings. So it’s not within the program that it is ‘set’, but rather with the particular machine.

It would be possible to make both work in the same quadrant.

My reasoning for not swapping back and forth between laser and cnc is that it would take too much time. When I want to use a tool, I don’t want to have to spend time setting it up. Plus I would have to swap my dust collection for ventilation, and the XXL is so big, to enclose it would take up even more space! :sweat_smile:

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