Reset my atezr and lightburn

i tryed to change my home position on my l2 36 w, looked at youtube a found a guy. i did as he but now my laser is totaly insane… help me.
excuse my bad English, from sweden…

Excuse my bad English, from Kentucky.

I am guessing you did not make a backup copy of the GRBL parameters. If you did, this would be so much easier.

Did you record the changes as you made them?

You cannot change the Home position unless you move the limit switches. Why did you want to move Home? If you just wanted to park the laser out of the way, there is a much easier method.

Oki need help i cant get it to home to the usual place.
What do i need to do?

Oki sorry new on light burn. Is it possible to get back to Factory settings on my atezr l2 36w?

Yes, but any adjustments to the parameters you made will be lost. Have you made a backup copy of the parameters?

Th $RST=* command will reset all parameters to the factory default. But that is like burning the house down to cure a bug infestation. Start out with $RST=#, which will just clear any workspace offsets. See if that helps get your machine under control first.

No backup , oki i will test the second tip from you.
In consol?

Yes. Then enter these commands in the console one at a time.
Then copy everything after the $$ and paste it in your reply.

Dont get it to work it wants to the back right immediately.

Yes no its homing right👍thanks. Ideas to get it out of the way after burning?

Set a finish position:

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