How can the Y shaft move 13mm away from the zero point contact limit by resetting X/Y reset.
X axle is standing correctly
If I’m understanding correctly, you’re saying that the laser head moves off the homing switches by 13mm in Y after homing.
If that’s the correct, there is a per-axis Home Offset setting in your machine’s firmware. You can adjust it by going to Edit → Machine Settings → Vendor Settings → Y Axis Settings, Home Offset is at the bottom.
If it’s something else, please try explaining again in different words.
X/Y reset på laser
it can’t run itself in zero, then I have to run it in zero myself
x moves slightly to the side and back again
y only drives one way, move 13mm away from the zero point contact limit by .
could it be that the stepper motor that came with the laser. may have to switch to another stepper motor
I am not quite following what you’re saying, but this sounds like a machine issue. I recommend contacting your laser’s manufacturer for assistance.
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