Reverse Mask or block off an area to NOT BURN

So we use the tool to highlight an area and mask it. When we apply the mask all else goes away and we can re-laser the area we masked.

Is there a way to sort of reverse that process?

I have a large emblem that is an inner circle with a design in it that has burned pretty well and an outer circle that could need a few more passes without burning the inner circle at all.

Any tips or suggestions appreciated.


Make a donut shaped mask.

  1. Draw outer circle
  2. Draw inner circle
  3. Select outer circle first, then add inner circle to selection
  4. Tools->Boolean Difference
  5. Use donut as mask to image


Thanks for the replay. when I execute option 4 nothing happens, I also dont see option 4

I’ve modified the wording to step 3 to be more clear.

Make sure that at the end of step 3 that you have 2 objects selected.

Ugh using a Mac, am I holding a certain key down when I select each circle?

First circle you don’t need to hold anything down. Second circle you hold shift as you add the circle.

AJ Sinop 7:54 AM (26 minutes ago)

to PY

I tried this on 2 different versions of lightburn. It did not work. When I hold these down as you described and then click on

Tools->Boolean Difference

Nothing comes up as a choice and nothing changes with the image.



You don’t need to subtract the 2nd circle, just group the two together, then use that group as a mask.

Masking follows the same rules as filling - if you want to invert it, you add another shape around it.

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Am I using the Orange T1 tool for this? I have tried both ways. There is no choice to apply a mask. My fill option is already checked FWIW.

Take a screenshot of what you’re seeing. Or save the current project and upload the .lbrn file.

You actually don’t want this to be filled as it will obscure the image.

NYSP_15_INCH.lbrn (162.7 KB)

The inner circle and image part came out fine. The outer part is a mess. This is on a 15inch circle so it took almost 24 hors to burn. Just dont want to go another 24 hours just to redo the outside of teh circle.

Using Ortur 5W FWIW


I was expecting to see your attempt at doing this in the file so I could review where things went south.

In any case, here’s an updated file with the mask applied. I suggest you deconstruct it so that you understand how it’s put together.

NYSP_15_INCH berainlb.lbrn (132.4 KB)

Is that because the masking failed, or are you asking about something else? If you could show a photo of what you’re seeing, it’ll be easier for everyone to offer help.

ok it will be a few photos, will take now and send


Photo of 1st orange circle
Photo of 1st and 2nd orange circle
Tool Photo, when I click on the Boolean option there is nothing there and they only thing that does happen is that it groups the 2 circles because when you click on the Arrange photo you can see there is an option to ungroup them…

Many Thanks again for your help.

You can’t use Booleans on things that aren’t vectors - you can only mask the image with them.

Take the two circles, group them together (if they aren’t already) then select that group + the image, right-click, ‘Apply Mask to Image’.

Wow, thanks…And thanks to the other folks that tried to help as well. Now is there a knob/option to make the laser speed up through the white space where it wont be firing?

Edit > Device Settings > Fast Whitespace Skip. You can leave the speed at zero and it’ll use rapid moves, or set an optional speed value if you find that the rapid moves are too fast.

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