Ripple/echo/shadow around raised engraving

This happens with solid wood and plywood and with multiple designs, whether the design is an image or a vector, overscan on or off, tried with crosshatch enabled or disabled on a vector, and it still does this.

Has anyone seen this, and even better know a solution?

4000 mm/m @ 80%, air assist on, mode: Fill, bi-directional
engrave ripple

7000 mm/m @ 75% power, air assist on, mode: Fill, bi-directional

Laser: xTool 1d Pro 20watt, Lightburn 1.1.03

You may need to reduce this speed or turn it off. And check the head for play or sloping around…

Thanks Jim, I had wondered if that setting might be causing it but hadn’t gotten to testing it. I don’t think there is slop in the head because the rest of the engraving is very sharp. Turning off fast whitespace scan is my next step.

I had very similar with my Ortur LM2 Pro. I ended up reducing the tension on the belts which seems to have fixed it (at least as far as I’ve tested thus far).

Thanks Marcus, that would have been a good thing to check next, but it looks like disabling ‘fast whitespace scan’ solved my problem.

Ignore the elk outline, it’s scrap left over from another project. This is engraving the same image, same settings except for disabling fast whitespace scan. It turned out very sharp and clean (after some light scrubbing with a brush).

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Just a FYI, this solution also fixed an issue I was seeing with a different project. This compass was just not coming out sharp no matter what settings I tried, image, svg, rotated, etc. It’s only about 42mm tall, the font on the minor directions is approximately 1.45mm tall.

Fast whitespace scan off and on.

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