Rotary axis table orientation

Hello guys. Just setup my first rotary axis, but there’s a problem.
All the topics I read before, shows people with the rotary tool transversally positioned on the laser table, in a way that the X axis do the engraving.
My rotary tool is positioned longitudinally, so I need that the Y axis do the engraving.
Is this possible? Didn’t find any options in lightburn to change this.

What axis would be used to control the rotary?

What controller is your custom solution based on?

Controlling the rotary with Z axis, I’m using GRBL 1.1h.

At first I was thinking there could be a way of doing this through software but now I don’t think so after reconsidering.

I think how LB works is that it will translate all Y-axis movements to the specified rotary axis. So Y-axis is no longer available to be addressed.

I think you could potentially rewire X driver to Y motor during the rotary operation. This might be a little confusing though.

Ok good to know, thanks for the answer. If the devs could implement this change in a future update, it will give more flexibility to the user.

If there’s specific behavior or functionality you would like then I suggest you search the “Feature suggestions” site and either up-vote or create a new entry for what you’re looking for.

By the way, I may be wrong about how this works but I don’t see how else it would function given the way it’s currently setup.

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