Rotary Issue (Y axis)

Good morning, everyone!

I am having an issue with my rotary attachment. I am using a Boss Laser 1620 with Lightburn, of course. I went to use the rotary last night and as soon as I powered up with the rotary connected, my axis have been acting up. It no longer goes back to reset (000,000). I tried resetting both the X and Y axes individually through the interface on the laser but the Y never works. When I send the file to the laser (rotary enabled) the X seems to read and move just fine but the Y only moves a few mm’s at a time. When I press the UP/DOWN on the interface for the Y axis movement, it jumps from 0 to 360 instantly.

I reconfigured everything back to engrave without the rotary attachment and after resetting both axes individually (something I did not have to do in the past) I was able to engrave like normal.

Has anyone ran into this issue before? I was thinking it was maybe some software settings but I have no idea where to start and would hate to mess something up.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I hope I made sense!

When you power up with the rotary enabled the machine can’t home - the Y axis is now the rotary, so there’s no way for the head to move to and bump the limit switch. You have to press the Esc putton on the controller to cancel the homing sequence and just run jobs from “Current Position” when using the rotary. When you disable the rotary setting, plug the Y axis back in and power cycle the machine it should all work as usual again. This is all normal.

Thanks for the reply!

Prior to this happening I was utilizing the rotary just fine (pushing the laser head to the rear/top position manually to finish the homing sequence) but now the moment I connect the Y-axis and restart the machine it no longer works properly. The rotary just stutters and jumps from 0 to 360 when I press the Up/Down button and when I send the job it doesn’t properly reflect the actual size nor does it travel more than a few mm on the Y-axis. Do you think it has anything to do with settings like the size of the workspace or anything like that?

Check the rotary setup to make sure the settings haven’t changed - steps per rotation, object diameter, and so on.

With the rotary plugged in, and homing is in process, could one manually press the limit switch for the Y axis?