Rotary not comunicating

Hi I have a older blue and white OMTech 50w laser it has 3 phase stepper controllers I just purchased a Mansfield Customes rotary attachment with a 3 phase stepper motor and when I go into the rotary setup I put in the steps per rotation at 4100 and 42mm drive wheels than hit test and says Settings could hot be restored to controller after test run. and if I run an image it stretches it farther than the circumference of the cup and the image I’m using is only 3.5” wide and it stretches it over 13” any help is greatly appreciated

I think it’s trying to tell you it changed the controller to rotary but when it tried to change it back, it didn’t get a successful write to the controller.

Edit → Machine Settings

Look for rotary and see if it’s enable.


Yes I had already enabled that in the settings and changed the steps per rotation and it still reverts back to 360 steps

Lightburn should take care of this… Are you changing it in both places?


Yes changed in both locations but will not save in the rotary setup I have a Ruida rdlc-320-a

You should only have to use Lightburn to enable/disable the rotary… Is that what you are doing or are you trying to change the Ruida settings directly?


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