Rotary Speed Issue

Hello I own a omtech k40+ co2 laser with a roller rotary. I’m having an issue with the rotary speed. When framing and in between engraving. The rotary spins too fast and causes the object to slip or move. I was wondering if I needed to change the idle or acceleration settings? Any info would help thanks.

I have device profiles I use for my roller type rotary. These slow down the acceleration to the Y axes, which runs the rotary rollers.

These are in Edit → Machine Settings.

Before you change them, use the save option to make a file of these original factory settings. When it’s operating, save that file as something different. They you can load and write them to the controller when you need that operation.

Good luck


Additionally, the framing speed is the usual “travel speed”, set in the move window. Reduce this to reduce the framing speed. Check that you disabled “fast whitespace scan” to avoid different speeds wile engraving.

My main issue is right after I hit start or when the rotary goes back to center, for some reason it spins at a high speeds causing my object to slip and move.

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That’s the travel speed…

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