Rotating objects

Is there a way in Lightburn to specify how much to rotate a drawing object or see its angle in degrees as it is rotated?

At the bottom of the screen there’s a status bar that will show you the rotation angle. Alternatively, use the Numeric Edits toolbar to manually enter a degree rotation.

Note that you can use the Measurement Tool to check the angle after the fact.

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Thank you. I had looked in that area earlier but somehow missed seeing the angle info.

I was missing something here.
I had been associating the Unit Toggle Button with the Rotational Text Field from the beginning.

Perhaps, as a suggestion, splitting them to a different line?

It would even be nice to see that number update dynamically… like the Width and Height do when drag-scaling a selection. Such a feature would have also demonstrated that the field was degrees of rotation, rather than a lineal distance as I wrongly assumed.


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