Have an issue that I can fix, but time consuming, was looking for a quick way to do this in Lightburn.
I usually design something that may change or is a 3d object in Freecad. Some of my ‘boxes’ have clear lids, so I design the box and lid in cad, then export the ‘lid’ via dxf or svg.
That’s read into lightburn for proper alignment in cutting the lid.
The issue, I usually have some ‘corners’ that I need rounded. I see this a lot in the forum, but my corners go the other direction/not a box.
There is a way to do this for the whole shape - it’s a little clunkier than I’d like, but it will work fine in your case: Offset the shape outward by however large you want the arc radius to be, then offset the result back inward again, and in both cases, use ‘Round’ as the corner style:
The red shapes are the offset versions in each step. If you set it to delete the original, and select the resulting shape, it only takes a couple clicks to do this.
Yup - for “softening” designs it’s perfect. I used to use this regularly when generating offset shapes around name tags, just to remove sharp interior corners.
The problem is I need to maintain the outline, as it cut’s flush to the cover…
I can’t change the basic outline or it will overlap the covered part.
Making the changes that I spoke about would strengthen the cover screw area with a slight overhang. Don’t think it would be noticeable with screws installed.
@jkwilborn Can you explain a little more how @LightBurn’s solution didn’t quite work? From my test it seems have done a pretty close approximation of the rounding and preserved the original outline nearly perfectly.
Here is a view superimposed with original outline, revised outline, and green circle.
Notice that the original and rounded outline diverge really only at the curve. I accomplished this with an outset of 1.75 mm followed up with an inset of the same value.