Rudia RDC6442S Setting file

Had a power surge which got my desktop computer and Rudia controller communications port. I have a new controller on the way and was wondering if anyone has a base settings file. I have a Omtech 50 watt.

Lightburn may have saved your configuration, it’s a pretty smart piece of software. Search your machine for an .lbset file. It’s always a good idea to save this information via the ‘Edit → Machine Settings’ gui.

Did you try using the ‘other’ interface to the Ruida, i.e. Ethernet/USB?

Mines been hacked on a bit, but I think this is the oldest backup I have access to at the moment…
Check them over for excessively high acceleration rates… I looked at the first few fields only…

RuidaviaEthernet_20210724.lbset (12.7 KB)

Sad to hear about the hardware issues. Good luck


Thanks Jack but not able to search computer cause it is dead too. But the basic set will be a big help.



I knew that… I hope mine will help you get back up. Is the Ruida totally dead also?


You should be able to pull the hard drive out of your machine and plug it into another machine to get access to the data on it as well.

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You could also shot omtech an email. They usually answer within 48 hours. To prevent several email’s send as much info as you can.

OMTech support

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