Ruida 6445G Ethernet problems

I’m a new owner of an Aeon Nova 10 and have been having issues getting it on my network and connected to Lightburn. Need some help.

Some background: I work at a large company with a speedy (1000Mbps), managed network, both wired and wifi. I requested a static IP address from IT for my laser that is on the same subnet as my PC. Put that and the gateway into the controller and went to connect from Lightburn… no connection. Noticed that the network connection icon on the controller screen indicated no connection. So I pinged the laser from my PC and it responded normally. Had IT ping the machine from a different subnet, no problems. Strange. Started looking at the controller a little closer and saw that LEDs 11 and 12 were lit, indicating a good active connection. Tried plugging my ethernet cable directly into the controller just in case the laser’s cabling was bad… no change. Double checked all my settings, but nothing.

The Aeon guys have been great through all this, and now the thinking is that it’s a bad controller. Anyone else have any ideas? TIA

I don’t believe the Ruida controller is capable of working on anything but a 255.255.255.X subnet. How is your IP and network configured?

These seem to be contradictory. Are you saying that you got a ping at the assigned IP for the laser but the controller display panel shows the controller is not connected?

Try pinging with the laser not connected to the network. Do you still get a positive ping?

Try connecting the laser directly from your computer to remove any network component from the equation. You will need to manually configure the IP on your computer. If you’re not familiar with how to do this let me know and I can step you through it.

This will isolate if the issue is indeed at the controller or a network configuration issue.

If indeed the subnet is anything other than 255.255.255.X then that’s likely the issue.

If you’re right that the Ruida won’t work on a subnet other than 255.255.255.X, then that’s probably the issue. IT configured the static IP address on

And yes, I can ping the laser but the controller display shows it’s not connected. I get no ping when I disconnect it, so there’s nothing sharing that address.

Like you suggested, my next step was to create an isolated network and try that. I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks.

This is worrisome… the console displays only that the hardware is connected, not that it can talk to anyone or is connected to your lan. If the hardware is good, I’d expect a Lan ON status.

If it’s the only port on a switch that’s powered up it will show Lan ON… as the hardware is connected.

I’ve run mine on different IP addresses, not that one. Generally speaking, I’d think if it were an IPV4 machine it would work with any address…


Ok, things are getting even more interesting.

I had IT set up another static IP under the 255,255,255,0 subnet, and unfortunately now I can’t even ping it. IT’s looking into it.

In the meantime, I hooked up my Mac to it and was able to ping and connect via Lightburn. Intrestingly the LAN disconnected icon stayed on screen throughout.

So I guess we can rule out hardware. Must be some networking issue.

I had mine fail on the water protect. The lan on has an led indicator on the Ruida… might look at that…

On mine, it’s number 12 or link

This is for water protect, but led 12 is link


My WP1 (water protect) LED is lit. Any idea what that means?

Water protection is working or at least active.


Fantastic. So really just a matter of sorting out the routing.

If all else fails, you may be able to get it connected using LightBurn Bridge. The Pi can connect to the network in a more robust way. Then the Pi completes the connection to the Ruida locally.

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