Ruida and Lightburn Question - rotary not working right

So I have a RDC6432G on my Omtech laser. I’m having problems getting my rotary to work.

I have seen posts about when enabling rotary the commands are sent out the U axis. This does not seem to be the case with this controller, but if anyone knows how to change it to use U axis, that would actually help some.

I have the Manfield Rotary with a 3phase motor on it. When I run it on the Y axis driver, and set the steps in lightburn to 4100, the cup rotates around like 1.5 or so rotations. No matter what I set the steps to in the rotary config, with rotary enabled, it doesn’t change the rotation amount at all.

Now, if I go to the driver and change the driver steps from the default 2000 to 4000, it gets close… about 1.5" off. but still, I can’t seem to fine tune it in any way from lightburn to burn a 2" x 2" square… it ends up being like 2x3.5.

Any thoughts as to what else I can do to get this to work?

My driver is a 3ND583, so my steps are restricted to 200,400,500,1000,2000,4000,5000,10000

Do you have a chuck or roller/wheel rotary?

As far as I know, the Ruida sends a direction and step signal to the motor drivers. I would think you would copy the steps/rotation from the driver and that should be fine for a chuck…

Sometimes these are not directly connected and you have to factor in the ratio in the drive chain.

My PiBurn has a motor that turns a belt that turns the wheel. My steps/rotation on the motor driver is 2000, when I apply the ratio, which is 2.5 then 2000 * 2.5 = 5000 steps/rotation.

If it’s a roller, you need to watch the drive wheel or roller. The test button will rotate the driving wheel of the rotary one complete turn and back, not the object.


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