Ruida Controller Issues - Not Detected via USB/Ethernet

Hi all,
Hoping to get some advice here from you. Overnight my PC restarted and this morning Lightburn was unable to detect my 60W Red Laser. I have tried both USB as well as Ethernet and neither option are detected. I have since tried another computer running Lightburn and have had no success here either. I have tried replacement cables but still nothing.

Along with this, I’ve noticed that something seems to be stopping the stepper motors from jogging on X/Y when I control this with the Ruida Controller. If I “Frame” from the controller, the motors step freely and if I tap the proximity sensors, these are still performing as I’d expect.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

Thanks in advance!

Was the laser engraver left on overnight - the night when your PC restarted?
Any clocks misbehaving?

I would shut off the engraver and unplug it to see if a power bump or brown-out caused it to become confused. Give it 5 or 10 minutes to find peace - then try to wake it and talk to it.

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I have had the same problem this morning with my machine.

I’m having the same issue. Used yesterday no issues. Been hooked via Ethernet for almost two years with no issues and now today I can’t connect to it.

I’m having the same issue. I sent a message to Omtech support and they sent me a message stating that RDworks needs to be upgraded. Also sent a link, but so far, I haven’t been able to get that to work. Sent another message to Omtech support asking for more help.

Thanks all for your replies! I have checked through Windows Updates and sadly no changes here either. I have also freshly installed Lightburn and the FTDI Drivers on another computer and this also isn’t being detected.

I have tried rolling back to older versions of Lightburn, no luck.

I installed RDWorks and strangely this is able to read/write Machine Settings via USB as well as to move the laser head (though incredibly slow to process, I might add!)

Even with all this, I’m still unable to detect/use the machine in Lightburn.

The Ruida Controller still shows as “LAN OFF” when connecting through Ethernet, and the IP Address assigned isn’t able to be pinged nor does it show up in my Router List.

Hoping there might be a solution out there!

Hoping I don’t jinx myself here, but I seem to have found a solution to my problem!
I was able to download a copy of RDWorks overnight and for whatever reason, RDWorks was able to detect my machine and even read the Vendor Settings. I couldn’t understand why, and every time I closed RDWorks and opened Lightburn, the machine was unable to be detected.

Finally, I opened RDWorks, read the Vendor Settings, kept RDWorks open and proceeded to open Lightburn. The machine was detected immediately via USB, and I can see on the Ruida controller that the LAN is connected also. Needless to say, I’m not really willing to close either program or turn the laser off any time in the near future!

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Most types of Ethernet connections have LEDs that show the hardware status. There is also an led on the Ruida that specifies if the ‘link’ is active.

I show green & amber on the bridge when it’s connected. My 6442g doesn’t have led’s on it’s Ethernet connector.

Do you see any indication of hardware connection… are any of them lit or flashing?

Reading through this thread, it’s odd that you all have different computers and neither USB or Ethernet is working.

Both of these interfaces ‘workings’ are totally different, also different interfaces and software. There are lots of issues with usb we see…

Ethernet has been hammered on and is very dependable. Even though the Ruida uses UDP.

I have a Pi, I use the most… but have an Ethernet cable that is direct connected to my PC. Set the Ethernet port to be the same as the Ruida’s gateway.

It will generally, at very least, connect and I can see it on the subnet

Works very well in most circumstances. I have had large files fail to load. So I generally use the Pi Bridge.

Keep us updated…

Good luck


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