Ruida controller Screen Blinking White

Im stumped and I need to get this solved ASAP, in the middle of a Job. I just received a new to me Omtech 80 watt af. Everything was fine until out of now where the Controller screen started Blinking white. I stoped the laser and Now I’m stuck.
The power supply checks out putting out 24 volts and 5 volts where it’s supostoo. Any ideas of what Else I can check?

Ruida controllers are pretty tough, but it sounds like you lost it.

I’d contact OMTech and see what they will do…

The only thing you can do is ensure the panel cables are correct (seated) onto the main controller.

What leds are on when viewing the controller?

LED 15 should be on, usually run flashes. If 13 is on, it’s detected an internal error. Link is the network connection.

Good luck


check the emergency button

If it’s blinking, the e switch must be ok and working…


one would think so but that em switch can be funny