Ruida driver slowly icrease power when next curve is in less than 1-2cm

This stuff is insane.
For some reason new driver Ruida (old lettro) slowly increase power in next curve if distance is less than 2cm

Laser cut good on speed 40 and 50% of power.
Even if I decrease speed to 35 and set start speed at 20
Machine will slowly increase power to 50% that cause not full trough cut.

I set trough mode on> delay 30ms and power 40%
Nearby green points is cut trough point but next driver decrease power below set 50% and next slowly increase it to 50%

Everything is cut perfect if cut start point its further than 3-4cm from end point of previous curve.

Show a screen shot of all the settings used for the cut? If your Max Power was really high, and your Min Power was really low, I could imagine this happening.

What is the Ruida start speed?

Sorry, I didn’t catch the 20mm/s that you mentioned.

A driver only connects the OS to the device. It should not know enough to change any of the data. It would have to know what codes control power and then modify them… I doubt your driver is causing this.

As far as I can tell the start speed power works like this.


Min and max is set to 50%

All curves in distance greater than 4-5 cm are cut perfect.
There is no difference in size, complexity etc.

There is no way you can maintain the set speed when doing one of the points of the star. It must slow down to almost 0mm/s to do the tip, change direction and get back up to speed.


Other stars are cut perfect, but there is no problem that machine slows down.
Its look like start work to fast then slow down or set power to low then increase.

Full settings

machine other
cut parameters

Cut looks like that